Sabado, Hulyo 17, 2021

Are All Lawn Mower Spark Plugs The Same Size? Are They Same As Car Plugs?

If you're finding your spark plugs to be playing up recently, and are spending far too much time re-cranking them, then it's about time you changed those plugs. You may be wondering which plugs to use; what are the right electric spark plugs/spark plug options for me to use for my lawn mower engines?

Since lawnmowers are designed to last the owner many years of usage, it's quite self-explanatory that you'd need to change certain components up to increase the longevity and improve performance rather than stick with poor engine performance. Spark plugs need to be changed up too- after damage incurred via the improper use of your mower, the types of engine work that have been done, the quality of the motor engine, the quality of the engine components (engine components should be of a high quality to increase the lifespan of the mower as a whole), general daily use, and the previous spark plug types used.

How Do I Know When to Change the Spark Plugs?

There are three giveaway signs that indicate the necessity to change your spark plugs:

  • The spark plug doesn't look so good: Inspect your lawn mower plugs carefully. A bad spark plug can usually be told apart by physical differences, if you've seen what a normal spark plug should look like. If you find any bending or distortion on or around the outer electrode, the spark plug gap (the spark plug gap is usually the most visible distortion), the flat top, or the metal cap- then you will need to look into changing them and get a spark plug wrench.
  • The engine is performing as well as it used to: You know your spark plugs need replacing when the engine (flathead engines, auto engines, automobile gasoline engines, combustion engines, for example), isn't working how it used to. You'll need a new engine spare unless you want to spend time re-cranking your mower all the time.  If something is wrong with the engine’s spark plug, it won’t run smoothly like it ought to. It will frequently require re-cranking to start again.
  • There's excess fuel consumption: If you feel as though your mower is drinking up oil like it's been parched for days, then you need to look into replacing the standard resistor spark plug that has been damaged and purchase a new one with the same replacement spark plug number.

Mower vs Automobile Plugs

There are some key differences and information to note when comparing auto plugs and mower plugs:

  • Both automobile and lawn mower gasoline engines use spark plugs to help ignite and mix the fuel in the gas-packed chamber
  • They cannot be interchanged because they differ in physicality, in terms of their shape and appearance (as we discuss below)
  • Both engines work the same way; a voltage with high pulse is shot through an electrical spark, to quickly jump past the gap to the other electrode (outer)

They Differ in Size

One main difference between automobile and lawn mower spark plugs is the size; lawnmower spark plugs' thread size is marginally smaller than automobile spark plugs- but the difference is significant enough to prevent successful substitution of the two plugs. 

Many automobile spark plugs' thread sizes range between 14-15 millimetres, while lawnmower spark plugs' thread sizes range between 9-12 millimetres. Hence, their spark plugs simply won't fit in with eachother. 

Thread Length

As we touched on thread length earlier, this has a whole explanation for itself- lawnmower spark plugs are generally shorter than automobile ones- why? What does this mean? The difference in shape will essentially result in the spark plugs being unable to fit into the tapered holes for eachother- so always buy the right one for your specific device and model- and ensure you have the equipment necessary at hand. 

Are Lawn Mower Engines Interchangeable? Find Out Here...

If you've owned a mower for a few years, you may find that the power or cutting-effectiveness has dropped recently, and it just isn't what it used to be. This is the case with many mowers, even the very expensive ones- eventually, deck/engine corrosion will take a toll and ruin your lawnmower. 

Throwing your trusty mower out is both wasteful and heartbreaking- so why not switch up the engine to make your mower pretty much brand new again?

To answer your question on whether or not engines are interchangeable for mowers... yes- lawnmower engines are very much interchangeable and will swap with ease- however, the blades and drive systems will differ from mower to mower- this is a critical lawn mower engine point to note.

This article on lawn mower engine changing will cover everything you need to know. 

Ensure Everything Else is Working Fine

This step involves performing a kind of MOT on your lawnmower, to check that everything else is in order. You'll need to check if the other mower components are in good health and are functioning as they should. You will know if anything is abnormal if you've been using your mower for a while now.

One major advantage of this is that if, in the case that your engine is in working order, you'll have spent money on a brand new deck, but still be having issues. In this case, another component of your mower will be the one with issues. Hence, we highly recommend conducting a thorough examination of everything (engine crankshafts, engine specs, standard deck specs, mower oil leaks, the source of mower oil (quality), as well as any general lawn mower engine faults). It'll save you a lot of money.

The engine is a very expensive part of your mower to replace- but you know what's even more expensive? Replacing your engine and discovering that the problem lies with the drive system instead...and then replacing that! Check out the drive system before purchasing a new engine.

Checking Your Engine Health

A lot of the time, your engine won't have faults at all. In fact, many of these common problems occur, and there is no need for engine replacement:

  • Fault in the coil
  • Problem with the carburetor; dirty or faulty
  • A shear-key that is broken
  • A faulty pull-starter mechanism

There are some key things you need to check up to make sure your engine health is evaluated, to help determine whether or not replacement is necessary:

  • Has your gas mower/drive mower/any general mower leaked the oil? Take a look for oil leakages around and beneath the engine- the crankshaft seal is actually a common culprit/source of these leaks.
  • Does your engine start up easily? If your mower is rustier than normal to start up, this could indiciate the need for replacing your carburetor- or it may just need some fine-tuning.
  • Check the oil level- an abnormally high level could again mean there is a carburetor-related issue, while a lower than normal level is a likely indicator that the engine is worn out.
  • Check the oil quality- your oil should never be grey or black; this is a sign you need to change and switch the oil entirely.
  • What is the engine revving like? Does surging happen? If your engine cannot rev without surging, a new carburetor is likely needed rather than a whole engine replacement.
  • In terms of the engine, how would you describe the smoothness? If your engine ends up spluttering or misfiring, then there is a slim possibility that a minor problem is going on with your engine. Fine-tuning may be necessary, but in this case, you'll usually be looking at a much more expensive engine-related repair.
  • Lastly, you'll want to make sure the engine doesn't smoke when you run it- smoke is a surefire indicator of a worn engine, but another likely possibility is overfilling the oil of your engine.

The Drive System Health

The second largest culprit is a faulty drive system. Even if your mower is self-driven, you should check this system up to make sure it's working in order. Some common drive-system problems that may occur:

  • The transmissions are worn out
  • The drive pins are worn out
  • The wheels are worn out
  • The wheel's drive gears are worn out 
  • The belts are worn out 
  • The pulleys are damaged

Here are some key questions to help you troubleshoot any problems related to your drive system:

  • When the drive is applied, do you notice any squealing, screeching, or grinding noises? If not, do you notice any unordinary sounds?
  • The drive application occur smoothly?
  • When travelling up an incline, does your mower need help by manual pushing, or is it capable of travelling up steep angles by itself?
  • When using your mower, is the pulling action smooth and controlled? Or is it broken up and gritty?
  • Is your mower's trans-axle oil-leak free? You also need to ensure that the drive belt of your mower is in good condition too!

Finally... Changing the Engine

There are some key points to note about engine interchangeability, which we'll write below- make sure you read through them all.

All types of lawnmower decks are interchangeable- you can really just move one engine to another, and fit it into the current one. The reason why, is because generally, the engine mounting locations and points are standard for every machine. You can use any deck. However, you need to ensure the new deck is compatible and can work with the other components of your mower. This highly limits the range of other engines you can fit into your mower.

There are mainly 2 options to go for:

  • Your new deck should be identical to your old one
  • Find a second-hand mower with the same engine type (or a different but compatible one) with an engine that's blown- then, you just swap it for the good one. Make sure that the width and lengths of the crankshafts match each mower)

Biyernes, Hulyo 16, 2021

How Does A Lawn Mower Mulcher Work? Use Your Grass Clippings Wisely!

If you've been doing a fair bit of research regarding gardening and other mower-related ideas, you've likely come across some unfamiliar terms such as bio-clipping, mulching, or recycling. In actuality, all of these terms revolve around the same central idea: feeding your earth.

Mulching is a process in which you return, or feed, the mowed-off clippings back to your lawn as valuable nutrients for enhancing its growth- this function depends on your type of lawn mower, as some may have dedicated mulching blades (a dedicated mulch blade can improve the quality of the nutrients you return). 

This guide will cover all the essential knowledge on mulching, so stay tuned and make sure you read it from start to finish!

Mulching 101: What is it?

Mulching is a highly efficient way to save yourself some money on fertiliser, while benefiting the environment at the same time- all while using the grass clippings. The greater the volume of clippings, the more mulch you can make- and dry clippings will result in a coarser, less moist mulch (higher volume of clippings will be a result of longer grass). 

You can help transform your lawn into, and maintain, and healthy and luscious green garden. This is done by re-circulating the glass clipping under your mower's mowing deck, in turn producing a fine, easily-distributable mulch. Depending on your mower's mechanism (and specialist mulching blade), the mulch produced from your grass clippings will be pushed back onto your lawn, where it would start to decompose at a rapid rate, hence feeding your earth/soil with the nutrients needed for optimal growth. 

Another benefit to this process is that there's little to no mess after mowing your lawn! You won't have to keep disposing of the lawn clippings and end up spending money of fuel for trips to the disposal unit- this is both cost-effective and beneficial to the environment, due to the recycling of grass clippings. Your mower will collect all the grass clippings from the cutting blades/grass blades and turn them into a beneficial, recycled mulch-fertiliser. 

How to Mulch for A Healthy Lawn

Mulching will help you massively minimise, or even eliminate your entire need to rake the lawn post-mowing. There are some simple steps involved in the process of mulching, so make sure you follow them accurately:

  1. Establish where you want to target the mulch disposal, and subsequently position your mower on the dry grass which needs to be cut, and ensure the exit chute is facing this part of the grass- now you'll want to cut no more than a third of the length of the grass. This is known as the "one third rule"- even the best mulching decks from a dedicated mulching mower (let alone conventional cutting mowers with a conventional cutting blade) can't handle an overload of grass clippings. 
  2. Now, you'll want to remove the collection facility/bagging attachment from your dedicated mulching mower (or any mower is fine- hand-propelled mowers, ride on mowers, or even a combi mower). Once you've done this, starting mowing towards the centre from the edges of your lawn, whilst following all the specified safety measures as instructed in your guide. This will deposit your mulch in an orderly manner, from the outside towards the centre. 
  3. Mow in circular steps, to ensure the mulch remains in the designated area you decide to deposit it within. Once you've done this, pulverise your clipping mulch for the second time, after you've returned to the start position. Repeat the steps, travelling in the same direction. 
  4. If there are any spots which you may have missed, just go over them with a rake, to tidy it up. We recommend grabbing a watering can and moistening your lawn to help the clippings settle down and infuse into the earth/grass more effectively and quickly.

Why Should I Get a Mulching Mower?

It's true- any mower can be doubled up as a mulching mower if clever implementation of manoeuvres are used, but this can be time-consuming and requires both skill and practice. To be frank- mulching can even be done manually- run your mower over fallen autumn leaves and collect them for mulch, rather than sucking them up or blowing them away for disposal with a leaf blower.

Mulching mowers will both simplify the task, and produce a higher-quality mulch. Lawn-mowers with mulching functionality actually deposit clippings as healthy compost for your grass, which is one of the things that make it so special!

Purchasing a mulching mower is an investment in your lawn, as you'll be saving money on harmful fertilising chemicals, but also because it's much more beneficial -as well as kind- to your lawn. The alternative is to purchase a regular lawnmower with a collection facility integrated. You will need to gather the clippings yourself, and add them to a compost heap to produce mulch. This is, yet again, a tedious method to go by so we highly recommend going for a mower with mulching functionality.

Are Mulching Lawn Mowers Good For The Lawn? Find Out Here..

What Are The Advantages & Disadvantages Of Using a Mulching Mower - Are They Worth It?

Mulching mowers are proving to become a popular choice in the lawnmower industry, not only do these types of mowers avoid you having to keep emptying your grass box, but they have a huge variety of benefits for poor soil conditions. 

Lawnmowers with a mulching kit are great for your lawn, they distribute your grass clippings onto the base of your lawn soil and act as lawn fertilizer, the mulching option reduces garden waste too and can actually speed up your lawn mowers mowing time. 

To find out whether or not a mulching mower is right for you and your lawn, as well as how these mulching kits work and other ways to help the condition of your lawn, we have composed a small guide for you below. 

How Do Mulching Mowers Work? 

Before we can discuss if mulching mowers are good or bad for your lawn and whether or not you should buy one, let's talk about how these machines work. 

Mulching kit lawnmowers work by keeping lawn clippings inside the mulching deck for a long period of time, this allows the blades of a mower to cut the grass clippings multiple times until they become 'mulch' and reach the base of the soil of your lawn. 

These types of mulching lawnmowers do require more power than a typical mower to keeping the grass mulch clippings at the base of the machine but are great for your lawn as they help soil fertility and decompose without making a lot of garden waste.

On the other hand, you can't use a regular mower to mulch your lawn as they produce grass clippings that are much larger in size that suffocates the lawn, these lawn clippings need to be put in a compost pile instead and emptied from the grass box on the mower. 

Mulching mowers tend to come in three different types; corded electric, battery cordless and gas-powered, gas-powered mulching mowers are more suitable for large lawns as they need the extra power, while electric models might be a better choice for the environment.

Pros & Cons Of Using a Mulching Mower 

If you have decided you are interested in buying a mulching mower for your lawn, then it's a good idea to familiarise yourself with the benefits and disadvantages of using a mulching mower in your garden to see if this type of mower is right for you. 

We have discussed the pros and cons of using a mulching mower below to help you out.

Pros Of Using a Mulching Mower On Your Lawn

First of all, mulching lawn mowers can actually save you a lot of time and money, as the lawn clippings can be used as fertiliser for your lawn, this saves you the money of buying fertiliser for soil nutrient, in the UK this can also save you from having to pay for your green waste bin. 

These lawn mulching mowers save you time too as you do not have to keep emptying a grass collection box to the compost pile on a regular basis and distributing fertiliser over your lawn.

Mulching mowers are additionally great for your soil as they increase microbial activity which can reduce thatch in your lawn and help add nutrients back into your soil quality. They are further better for the environment too as it stops lawns with chemicals due to there being no need for chemical fertiliser.

  • Saves you money. 
  • Helps you mow quicker. 
  • Great for the soil.
  • Better for the environment.

Cons Of Using a Mulching Mower 

Although there are many benefits to using a mulching mower for a lush lawn, there are additionally many potential downsides that should be discussed before purchasing your mulching mower. 

Mulching mowers should be avoided on wet lawns even more than a typical type of lawn mower as they cannot mulch wet lawn clippings, this will damage the lawnmower by putting unwanted strain on it. You also have to take care when using mulching mowers on tall grass as this can build up and damage the machine. 

It is a possibility that if you have weed grasses or worm problems on your lawn then mulching with heaps of grass clippings on your lawn can make matters worse. 

  • Cannot be used on wet grass. 
  • Not to be used on tall grass. 
  • Can make weed problems worse. 

Conclusion - Should I Buy a Mulching Mower?

Overall, you should buy a mulching mower for your lawn if you have a healthy lawn with no weed issues and want to use a natural fertiliser for your lawn without any chemicals. They are also great for improving the soil quality of your lawn. 

We would not recommend using a mulching mower however if you have a grass type with lots of weeds or very tall grass blades that need cutting first.

How Often You Should Mulch Your Lawn? 

Figuring out when to use your mulching mower can be confusing, you should aim to only mulch during the summer and spring, you should also leave around 7 days in between each mulching time to give enough time for the lawn clippings to decompose properly. 

If you mulch your lawn too often then this will not give the grass time to recover and can end up suffocating the soil by creating a very dense lawn.

The Best Way To Mulch Your Lawn 

If you are using your mulching lawn mower for the first time then you should ensure you are mulching your lawn properly to get the best results possible. 

We have bullet-pointed a few of our best tips below for mulching your healthy lawn with lawn clippings below. 

  • Remove your grass collection box - Before starting up your mulching mower make sure you remove the grass and leaf collection box as some models come with this option.
  • Decide where your mulch should go - Adjust the height of your mulching mower and position the mulching chute where you want your lawn clippings to go as you mow, try and ensure your lawn clippings are mulched towards the centre of your garden.
  • Keep the mower turned off - When fitting the mulching plug on your suited lawn mower make sure that the machine is turned off, it can be very dangerous to do this while the lawnmower's engine is running.
  • Mulch dry grass only - Never try and mulch in wet conditions, try and aim to mow in weather without rain, if not tonnes of grass clippings will likely clump together and stick to your mowers machine which can damage it. Due to the cutting method of mulching mowers, wet grass cuttings can also put the mower under more strain and damage it.
  • Never cut more than 1/3 - Also try and keep your method of cutting no less than 1/3 of the height of your blade of grass. If you cut under this height then it can affect how well you can mulch your lawn.
  • Stay away from tall grass blades - Tall blades of grass need a standard cut before you use a mulching double-cut method on the grass for mulching, tall grass is not easy for the mowers blades to break down and mulch and can even damage the mower in some cases.
  • Space out your mulching - Try and mulch with grass cuttings every 7 days, don't mulch your grass cuttings in a closer time of space as this can affect soil moisture and suffocate the ground.

Tips To Improve Your Lawns Condition 

If you don't have a healthy lawn and want to improve its conditions without mulching, then we have listed a few tips below to try as lawn owners which can help you bring your lawn back to life by implementing them on a daily basis. 

  • Get rid of thatch - Thatch buildup can occur on grass when the roots of your grass start grown on top of the soil, a small amount of thatch is not unhealthy, but when this becomes a lot it can block air and nutrients reaching particles of grass.
  • Don't cut too short - You don't want your un-mulched grass to get too high but you also don't want it to get too low, as this can encourage weed build-up, you should adjust the deck size cutting blade no shorter than 2 inches.
  • Mulch - If your grass is in a bad condition then mulch and fertilise with it on a regular basis to help the organic lawns grow for a perfect lawn finish.
  • Aerate - Aerate refers to making holes in your soil so as air and nutrients can reach the soil through the thatch layer and trodden down grass. You can do this by making small holes in the grass with special aerator sandals or with an aerating machine.

Last Words 

To conclude our mulching mower article, mulching mowers defiantly have more pros than cons for the health of your lawn and when done on your lawn weekly as organic lawn care can really improve its health and appearance by acting as a natural fertiliser.

Can A Lawn Mower Explode? What Can I Do To Prevent It?

Is It Possible For a Lawn Mower To Explode?

Like most power tools on the market, any tool that has an engine or a motor has a risk of explosion due to poor maintenance. 

All kinds of lawn mowers are no exception to this rule, although the chances of a battery-powered lawn mower exploding are smaller than the chances of a petrol conventional lawn mower exploding, it is still very possible without regular maintenance and under the wrong conditions. 

To find out what can cause a conventional lawn mower to explode and the safety precautions you should be taking to try and prevent this from happening, we have composed a guide below that will give you all the essential knowledge you need to know. 

Common Causes For Lawnmower Explosion 

Although the chances of your lawnmower exploding are small, when it does happen, it's usually because of a fire in the engine components or some unauthorized tinkering that has happened to the modern lawn mowers engine.

To help identify why your lawn mower has exploded or to prevent it from happening at all, we have listed the most common causes as to how this can happen below. 

It's The Weather Conditions

Believe it or not, although it's unlikely to happen, it is very possible that the weather could cause lawn mower explosions. 

If the temperature outside during the summer gets hot enough it can increase the chances of lawn mower models overheating, combined with harsh patches of grass is a recipe for disaster!

To prevent your lawnmower from overheating during the summer it would be best to hold off till evening when the sun is less harsh, or, alternatively, you could try putting water to make wet grass which would be easier for your mower to handle. 

Grass Clippings 

Another reason as to why you might have fires in lawn mowers is due to tall grass. It is important to always try and keep dry grass at a low height, not only as it is easier to maintain but also due to it being a fire hazard. 

It is very possible that tall grass blades get manage to get over the top of your lawnmower while mowing and make their way into the engine or motor of your lawnmower, this could cause them to catch fire and start burning in the engine. 

Objects Have Got Stuck 

You should always make sure that your lawn is clear of foreign objects for mowing, not only because they can damage the blades of your mower, but also because they are a fire hazard too. If a rock or stone hits the blades of your mower it could ignite sparks, these, in turn, could cause dry leaves to catch fire. 

Even though mowing wet grass is not recommended, you always have to be careful and focused when mowing dry grass too, as these objects can cause your lawnmower to catch fire before you even realise it and will spread quickly. 

You Have Not Been Cleaning The Lawn Mower Deck 

Cleaning the deck of all kinds of lawn mowers is essential daily maintenance to be doing after you mow. By letting grass clippings build up under your lawn mower blades you can cause your machine to overwork and put stress on the motor and engine, this will lead them to overheat eventually and explode. 

You should additionally never let these clippings dry as they can contribute to an accumulation and become much harder to clean over time. 

It's The Fuel & Oil Mix  

The fuel and oil inside of your lawnmower are highly flammable substances, accidental fuel spillages on the grass can become a fire hazard, so you should always wait for them to evaporate before taking your mower anywhere near them, as the heat of the mower can be a problem when combined with a bit of fuel mixture on the floor.

Not only do you need to be careful with fuel spillage but you should always take care when refilling your lawnmower with the proper fuel mix. Never refill the fuel supply in your lawnmower until the machine has managed to cool down. Spilling any fuel supply on your hot mower is a fire hazard.

Unwarranted Changes To Your Lawnmower 

One of the last reasons as to why a lawnmower can explode is due to any unauthorised changes being made to the mower and its engine. 

For example, changes to the motor, carburettor connections and fuel system in two-stroke engines could cause a risk of fire and cause the engine to overwork and overheat. 

Never try and change any parts of your mower without professional guidance to avoid this accident from happening. 

Why Is My Lawnmower Smoking?

Now we know the most common reasons as to why your lawnmower could explode, it's also a good idea to troubleshoot any smoking problems that could be happening in your lawnmower.

Most of the time, smoke from your lawnmower is not a major reason for concern, but a lot of people might assume this means a fire could happen.

We have discussed a few common smoke signs you might be seeing in your mower below and why they are happening to put your mind at ease. 

White & Blue Smoke 

If you are seeing blue smoke or white smoke coming from your lawn mower, then it might be due to the following reasons. 

First of all, if you see your lawn mower blowing smoke, it could potentially be the oil burning with the fuel in your machine or perhaps the crankcase in your mower has been overfilled. Any accidental fuel spillage could further produce smoke on your mower until it evaporates. 

Also, if your lawnmower machine is brand new it may produce white smoke which will disappear when first started up, you should take care when cleaning your mower too not to leak any oil into the combustion engine when tilting it on its side as this could cause smoke. 

Always double check you have a clean air filter and your mowers engine parts are in prime condition if you detect blue smoke, will we get on to maintaining your mower later on to avoid this.

Black Smoke 

So, if you are seeing black smoke coming from your mower then the machine might be restricted from the air and burning too much fuel instead. Make sure you clean a dirty air filter or check the carburettor to fix this issue. 

If you try all the solutions to your smoke issues above and none of them is working, then you might have a more serious issue on your hands. Worn out gaskets or seals could cause a smoke problem in your mower and would need to be replaced as they can potentially be quite dangerous. 

Never try and meddle with your lawn mowers engine yourself, as sometimes you can make the issue worse and void any warranty on your machine, always take your model to a professional who can identify and fix the problems with experience.

Best Ways To Maintain Your Lawnmower To Prevent Explosions

To avoid fire issues and explosions from your lawn mower or having to do lawn mower repair, you should ensure that you are maintaining your lawnmower properly with essential daily maintenance. 

We have bullet pointed the most important ways to be taking care of your mower and its engine below. 

  • Maintain your lawn well - Although this does not directly relate to your mower, it can help prevent damage and explosions from happening to it. Ensure you never let your lawn get too tall and avoid cutting your garden when it's wet. Always cut your lawn down to manageable height with other tools beforehand, especially if you are trying to tackle tall dry grass which is a fire hazard.
  • Sharpen your blades - Make sure you sharpen the blades of your mower regularly, failure to do so can cause issues when trying to cut your lawn with dull blades and put unnecessary strain on the mower.
  • Keep the air filter clean - Use compressed air to keep your lawnmowers air filter clean and avoid debris build-up.
  • Don't use it on hot days - Make an effort to avoid using your lawn mower on hot days in high temperatures, instead operate it in the morning or night.
  • Cooldown before refuelling - There is always a risk of spilling fuel when refilling your lawnmower, wait for your mower to cool down instead before refuelling.
  • Use the right fuel - In a 2-stroke engine ensure you are using quality fuel and the right ratio of fuel mix for the engine and model. The wrong ratio can cause damage and smoking in your machine. 
  • Remove foreign objects - Before lawnmowing make an effort to survey your lawn and remove any foreign objects on the ground such as sharp metal objects and rocks that could cause sparks if your mower hits them.
  • Clean the mower deck - Keeping your mower deck clean is essential maintenance needed to prevent clippings and debris from causing damage to the lawnmower and putting strain on the engine. You can use a steel wire brush to take off any clippings or hose the deck down after use.
  • Take care when tilting the lawn mower - When tilting your lawnmower over for maintenance you should check you are being careful not to leak any oil into the combustion engine which could cause smoke.

Frequently Asked Questions About Lawn Mowers Exploding

Why does my electric lawn mower keep overheating? 

Your electric lawnmower might keep overheating due to a faulty heat sensor, battery or loose connections inside of the machine.

What is the most common cause of a fire in a lawnmower? 

The number one most common cause of a fire in a lawnmower is dry tall grass getting caught in parts of the machine it shouldn't such as the motor.

Is it possible to mow in high temperatures?

It is highly not recommended to mow in high temperatures on dry grass, doing so is a fire hazard, instead, you should wet the grass beforehand or mow during the morning hours or evening hours when the ground is not so hot.

Final Words 

Overall, to conclude, the risk of your lawnmower exploding is possible but very unlikely, always avoid issues that could contribute to your mower overheating such as grass clippings and hot temperatures and take care to perform regular maintenance on your lawnmower to keep it in the best condition possible. 

How Do Robot Lawn Mowers Work? Our Guide to Robotic Mowers!

Should I Get a Robot Lawn Mower & How Do They Work?

With all the hustle and bustle of modern-day life, many of us don't have time to push conventional lawn mowers around a lawn, especially if you have a large type of lawn as these challenging lawns require a lot of time. 

This is why robotic lawn mowers are becoming more and more popular than conventional lawn mowers, the main features of a robot lawn mower are a battery self-charge system, auto-navigation system and clipping cutting mechanism, which allows the system of robot lawn mower types to work without manual interference. 

So as you can decide whether or not a robotic lawn mower is right for you and get some more insight into how these robot lawn mowers work, we have put together a small information article for you below.

Main Features Of Robot Lawn Mowers 

Robot lawn mowers might differ from one another in terms of size and brand on the market, but these robot lawn mower companies all make their mowers with three top specs which will discuss below and how they work in the systems of robot lawn mowers. 

The Efficient Route System

You might be wondering how robot lawn mowers manage to automatically find themselves a route around a domestic lawn, and this is because of perimeter wires. 

Robot lawn mowers for lawns have to have boundary wire laid out around a garden, this helps the robot lawn mower navigate its way around your lawn without crashing into flower beds or plants and keeps it on the route. 

These boundary wire types also contain sensors that stop the lawnmower from crashing and hurting itself.

The Self-Recharge System

Every robot lawn mowers model will come with its charging station, when the battery capacity of your robot lawn mowers type becomes low, the mower will find its way back to its charging station via the voltage perimeter wire.

After the robot lawn mowers battery fully re-charges it will then continue cutting the blades of grass where it left off, with no interference needed, unlike manual lawn mowers types.

The Cutting System

Robotic machines might have a longer cutting time than your usual mower as unlike manual lawn mowers they cut a volume of grass into much smaller clippings with their blades, this is a mulching type system, as the volume of grass then falls to the soil and fertilises the soil.

Extra Features 

When leaving your robot lawn mowers model alone for loads of time, you might be wondering if they can get stolen, luckily, in robot lawn mowers systems they often have an alarm system when taken out of their set GPS route and also have a pin code to enable the mower to work. 

As well as the sensors in the perimeter wire breaks, these mowers often sometimes have collision bump sensors that stop them from hitting objects.

Pros & Cons Of Robotic Lawn Mowers 

Now we know the main features of robot lawn mowers and how they operate, let's get into the advantages and disadvantages of these mowers to see if they are right for you and your lawn maintenance. 

Pros Of Robot Lawn Mowers

One of the first and most obvious advantages to robot lawn mowers have to be that they are self-sufficient and don't need any manual interference during their operating time. These robot lawn mowers are also packed full of great technology which is reliable and gets the job done. 

We also like these lawn mowers as they are super easy to store due to their small size and hard to steal thanks to their anti-theft technologies inside of the system. It is also worth noting that these robot lawn mowers are very quiet in comparison to other types of mowers on the market.

  • Self-sufficient. 
  • Full of great technology. 
  • Easy to store. 
  • Quiet. 
  • Anti-theft.

Cons Of Robot Lawn Mowers 

Although robot lawn mowers are great and full of technology, they do have some disadvantages which are worth noting if you are considering purchasing one. 

Robot lawn mowers are pretty small and slow, this results in a longer cutting time for all-sized lawns due to the small cutting blade size. Robot lawns mowers also have a fairly small battery life so will have to return to their charging system more often which means a longer mowing time. 

The last major con of robotic lawnmowers has to be that they are very hard to repair, a lot of technicians have a hard time repairing these as they are not familiar with how the devices work.  

Conclusion - Should I Get a Robot Lawn Mower?

Overall, we recommend getting a robot lawn mower if you are looking for a device that can help you save time while getting on with other chores around the house, do not however get a robot mower if you are looking for a device that can cut your lawn quickly or try and invest in a model with a larger battery capacity. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Robot Lawn Mowers 

How much do robot lawn mowers cost? 

This all comes down to the type of robot mower you buy but they typically cost between £300-£3000, features such as battery life and cutting width will differ between expensive and cheap types.

Do I bury the boundary wire of a robot mower? 

No, you do not have to bury the perimeter wire of your mower in the ground as it will disappear in your garden over time, just ensure it is at least secured with some pegs so as there cannot be a break in the perimeter wire. 

Will robot mowers crash into objects?

Due to the great technology robot mowers have, it is highly unlikely they will crash into objects and animals when in use, they are often fitted with anti-collision sensors and the wire prevents them from overstepping into flower beds. 

Are robot mowers okay to use on steep hills?

Yes, most robot lawn mowers can work fine on steep hills, for very high gradient hills however you might need to look into a robot mower with a little more power so as it will be able to mow the lawn in a reasonable time.

Final Words 

To conclude, robotic lawn mowers work via their three main automatic features; their navigation system, auto-cutting system and self-recharge system. These types of lawn mowers are great as they don't need any manual interference but do have some downfalls as they take a lot of time to mow the lawn. 

Before investing in one of these mowers we recommend you check if your square or rectangular lawn is suitable for a robot mower and if one with a good battery capacity is within your budget.

How Do You Start A Lawn Mower In The Cold Weather? Our Guide

My Lawn Mower Is Not Starting In Cold Weather - Our Troubleshooting Guide!

As temperatures drop during the seasons, you might find that the cold weather is having an impact on how your mower engine starts, stubborn mowers might restrict valves or even stop the oil flow. 

To start a mower in cold weather, you first need to ensure that the mower is not starting due to other reasons such as a bad spark plug or air filter, after that, you will likely have to check the oil and valves, ensure the mower is clean and start again.

So as we can help you start your mower ignition in cold weather, we have composed a small troubleshooting guide below that will cover the common reasons as to why this happens, along with how to start your mower in the colder temperatures. 

Why Is My Mower Not Starting In Cold Weather?

If you have taken your lawn mower out of storage only to find that it is not starting, then it might not just be down to the cold weather, there are numerous other reasons you need to cross off your list so as you can be confident the colder temperatures are to blame. 

We have listed some common reasons as to why your mower is not starting in cold weather below, as well as other causes as to why your mower might not be switching on. 

You Have Little Or Bad Gas

One of the first issues you should check on your mower is the fuel. Fuel that has been sitting in your mower for too long might have expired and gone bad which can cause your mower to block up and not start. 

Also, ensure that you have enough fuel in your mower and that it is sufficient for the mower to be able to start up.

The Fuel Lines Are Blocked

After checking the fuel, you also need to make sure that its lines are not blocked. A blocked fuel line can cause the fuel to not reach the carburettor for combustion, meaning the mower will not start properly. 

Clogged Air Filter

As well as checking if the fuel lines are blocked, you should ensure the air filter is not dirty and blocked too. It is possible that an air filter in your mower blocked with debris can stop oxygen from reaching the combustion chamber in your mower, meaning it will not start. 

You should either try and clean the air filter or replace the whole part to fix this.

Check The Spark Plugs 

It's a good idea as part of regular mower maintenance to check that the spark plugs are not dirty and that they are fitted the right way, a very dirty plug will stop a strong spark from happening to ignite your engine. 

Applying starter fluid to a bad spark plug firing can help fix this issue. 

You Are Using The Wrong Oil 

Now, this cause does relate directly to cold weather. Oil viscosity does change according to temperature, during the summer oil will be thinner while during the winter it will be thicker, this can mean there might insufficient oil levels in your mower for it to start up properly. 

To fix this oil problem, you might want to consider changing to an oil type that is more suitable for the colder weather and topping up your oil levels during the colder months.

There Are Valve Issues 

Heat and cold can cause the metal parts in your lawn mower to expand and contract without you knowing, so a valve that works fine during the summer might not be in very cold temperatures, it's best to get a professional to check your engine if this is the case. 

Our Step By Step Guide To Starting Your Lawn Mower In Cold Weather 

Now you know the common causes which can cause a mower not to start up in cold weather, we have listed a simple step by step guide for you to try so as you can start your mower in cold conditions. 

  • Step one - First of all, disconnect the spark plug on your mower with a wrench, make sure your mower has enough gas inside and clean the spark plug with a wire brush then spray it with some starter fluid. Replace the spark plug with its cap.
  • Step two - After checking the spark plug, unscrew the air filter and clean it or replace it if it has become very dirty.
  • Step three - Press the primer button three times on your mower then wait for the button to come back out, press again three times and then try to start your mower back up.

Last Words 

Overall, starting your mower in cold weather can be easily done as long as you have checked that all the major parts of your mower are clean and are functioning as they should be. A clean mower will always start well and you should make sure to store your mower properly over the winter too to avoid any of the cold weather damaging parts of the mower.