It’s time to mow the grass. Not having been mown for sometime it’s a bit on the long side, some might say overgrown. Anyway, the mower hasn’t been used since the end of last summer, so it needs an outing and the lawn needs a good haircut. Today’s as good as any to cut the lawn. These sorts of thoughts are probably going through nearly every gardener’s mind as volitile spring gives way to the...
Biyernes, Hunyo 12, 2020
Can You Use Car Oil In A Lawn Mower & Would It Do Any Harm?
Lawn mower engines are precision engineered, and as such need to be maintained properly for them to work as they should. It goes without saying that part of the maintenance programme for a lawn mower engine is changing the oil at least once per year and making sure that the replacement oil is the right type for that particular make and model of mower. Generally speaking lawn mower petrol engines...
How To Sharpen Lawn Mower Blades Without Removing Them?!
A lawn mower is an essential tool to maintain the health of a lawn. For it to maintain the lawn in tip top condition a lawn mower must have a “healthy” sharp cutting blade. If the blade has nicks in it or is blunt, more likely than not it will take longer to mow the lawn, and the end result may look ragged, “scalped” in some places and plain unhealthy in others. Most people overlook their lawn...
Electric Mower Left Out In The Rain – Could It Cause Damage?
So, some idiot in your household, not the usually “tech savvy” you of course, has gone and left the lawnmower out in the thunderstorm that happened last night and the mower, being electric, is now utterly ruined. Written off. You’ll just have to go out and buy another one. Not entirely true. Quick action can, in many cases prevent a completely drenched electric lawn mower from becoming irreparably...